Thank you so much. This one was a long time in the writing. I get so upset looking at the next few years ahead it takes time to wrangle it into functional swearing.
I believe "Hitler was a vegetarian" is a way of zinging vegetarians, not a defense of Hitler. It's evidence that vegetarianism isn't a reliable way of making people generally moral
I've never seen the sorts of defense of fascism (except for making the trains run on time) of fascism you describe, though I wouldn't be surprised if they exist somewhere.
I think part of what's going on is that liberals don't trust uninhibited hatred. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it might be possible to overdo it.
Roe v. Wade was overturned because there was a conservative plan, a long term thoughtful targeted plan, to infiltrate the judicial system. To say there was no intelligence involved underestimates what was going on, and here we are.
I don't think it zings vegetarians; I think vegetarianism is something most people think of as a moral position even if they'd never do it themselves, and it's trotted out to humanize him, like the dog.
And even Roe wasn't exactly a plan, at least not a complicated, subtle, or one that could have been effective without the grotesque and ongoing apathy of the center and the left who seem so utterly unwilling to vote it borders on a phobia. The plan was just say no writ large. They boiled the entire issue of abortion down to "repeal Roe v. Wade" which made it a judicial issue in the conservative memescape. You do judicial stuff not by making a good argument or interpreting the law more precisely, but by buying judges who will turn their brains off for enough money. Put judges in who will agree with the GOP no matter what the substance of the case is is not clever, it's a bludgeon, and most of those judges are severely underqualified idiots, because that's what it takes to be willing to ignore the law and rule on id. But it would never have worked without the rest of us being so nauseatingly complacent for so long.
I was so careful to say just because they're dumb doesn't mean you can underestimate them--intelligence gets in the way of action more often than not. Dumb barrels ahead. Dumb gets it done. Complicated plans are hard to execute, harder to get many people of different mindsets on board with. It's much easier to just do whatever authority tells you to without question: vote every time has been the great tool, and yet somehow the majority of the country can't imagine using it.
There's a reason fascists and authoritarian communists alike go *directly* for the "intelligensia" when they win their revolutions and kill them first. Thought is the enemy of force. Stupid does not mean safe, it means dangerous.
And abortion wasn't even the real bee in the bonnet of those who organized that effort—it was just a handy camouflage for the real goal: restoring the right of evangelical colleges and other institutions to discriminate. See here:
Less the evangelical colleges' right to discriminate per se than the right of segregation-academy schools to operate tax-free in the South. That was the galvanising issue that gave Schaeffer and the odious Lee Atwater and the even more odious Paul Weyrich the ability to corral racist white rage behind hot-button social issues.
Weyrich's 1980 speech in which he explicitly notes that he doesn't want everyone to vote bc GQP policies aren't capable of winning over the electorate should be required viewing / reading for every student.
Being a gamer nerd, I've been waffling on writing a 'The real alignment chart' for a while, and this encapsulates why so well. Good-Neutral-Evil is so banal. It really ought to be Altruistic-Tribal-Selfish; Tribal essentially being 'I care about my family / friends / people I trust, meh to the others', since that's the least clear one.
You can leave Lawful-Chaotic more or less untouched though.
...It's still depressing as hell that it basically breaks down to 1/3 of the population in each category, though. The only 'good' in this current storm of bullshit is the more awful the fascists make it, the more the tribal sorts decide 'Hmm maybe higher taxes aren't so bad compared to civilizational collapse'
It's only an estimated 30% support after every living generation being exposed to lifelong propaganda. And probably the lead exposure has something to do about it too. Hitler only ever got ~40% support if I remember correctly, and he flat murdered anyone who didn't support him. It takes work to get this bad.
I chatted with quite a few of these folks online, back in the 2010's when I was curious about what made them tick. I concluded that "the 30%" who can be counted on to support tyranny/fascism/whatever you want to call it are made up of, essentially, a tiered group of psychopaths. They lack a conscience, and they don't believe such a thing exists. That's why they need to control others and are willing to use the most horrifying methods: because they simply cannot even imagine a human being who is capable of ignoring their worst instincts without the threat of some very powerful external force smiting them.
You recognize the mild psychopathy of this viewpoint at once, when they say: "If people don't believe in a God that will damn them to Hell for all eternity, what will stop them from slaughtering everyone?" And they are dead serious when they ask this because they're pretty sure that's all that stops them. I call it "mild psychopathy" because at least the ones who believe this really don't like the idea of a society based exclusively on Might=Right, and they like order and predictability.
On the other end of the scale are the hardcore psychopaths. The pure nihilists. They are so disconnected from human (and animal) emotion that they often lack even a functioning need for self-preservation, like the murderer who gets caught fleeing the scene and confesses at once: "I wanted to know what it was like to kill someone.... My only regret is that I thought it'd take longer before I was caught." (Not an exact quote, alas, from some dude whose very brief police interrogation I watched a few years ago.)
In the middle are the ones described so well in this astonishingly beautiful and appropriately terrifying article.
The thing is that the difference between the psychopath and the non-psychopath is probably neurological. And it's almost impossible to persuade someone to your view when their belief is on the cellular level. (Precisely the reason they can't persuade us to their view.)
Also the tragic paradox: they're not entirely wrong; we do need some of the systems of control they devise because we need to protect ourselves from the worst of them. Where they're wrong is in understanding where and with whom the problem lies. Unfortunately, that's a human failing, one which we all, myself included, suffer from.
Fascists trying to normalize unconscionable acts has been the background radius of most of our lives. I'm...well, getting old....and I remember Nixon doing this, and Reagan, and Bush, and Bush, and Trump. And I know it's been a part of the world order since Bretton Woods essentially laid down the economic rules which established that economic power was the only form of authority that mattered.
Call out the people who buy into fascist ideology, whether directly or not. Let there be uncomfortable silences, ask them 'what's funny about that' when they make 'them' jokes. Try to shame them, futile as it may be. A shred ot decency will take root and grow, eventually.
Cat, 210 is too rich for me right now so I thought I'd head over and see if I can give you some money on Patreon, but the link on your About page is broken. (
Obviously I can figure it out, and am headed there now, but wanted to let you know!
I am literally the dumbest person who ever lived — the reason I couldn't figure out how to sign up for a normal subscription is ... I subscribed for a year in January. 😂
It's 12:48am here. For some ADHD dopamine hit reason, I decided to start reading this just before I was supposed to go to bed, and I couldn't stop, and now I'm not sure how I'm going to GET to sleep.
"Evil doesn’t win because good is dumb. Evil wins because evil is easy. " Very true, and there's often a "Prisoner's Dilemma" cooperation vs. defection motivation involved too - a lot of people defect (or choose evil) because the rewards are greater than when choosing good. Unfortunately, they forget the other side of the "Prisoner's Dilemma" - the more people who cooperate (choose good), the better off everyone is, and the rewards are scantier if few cooperators are in the mix.
Under circumstances where people are certain to materially profit from selfishness more than altruism, the only way for society to protect itself from defectors is to make it harder to defect, either by securing resources from defectors or by making rules against it and actively enforcing them. But it seems like America has backed far away from the latter option, and even rolled back such inadequate rules as we had. Worse, over the last half-century or so our society has ennobled selfishness and materialism rather than vilifying them, with the result that even conscience can't be relied upon to motivate people to punish our most successful defectors, or even recognize them as the threats to society they are - people just don't see anything wrong with even the most out-of-control acquisitiveness. (Granted that a fair number of people are waking up - or "becoming woke" - about this sort of thing, so to speak.)
Sorry, I've ventured into different territory that really requires an essay of its own - maybe I should write it after the sun comes up. I really liked your essay, though. Thanks.
He wasn't even a vegetarian. He ate vast quantities of meat and would take joy in revolting his dinner guests by describing slaughterhouse conditions. Just another lie told to try to humanise a mass murderer.
"I get to control you, and you can’t stop me." Don't forget the part where they scream about freedom while controlling everyone else. Freedom is code for control with them.
This editorial strings together and connects concepts (with journalistic support) that I think many of had noticed but not combined into a compelling narrative of why. Thank you for writing this.
You f*cking knocked it out of the park. I'm now a paid subscriber.
Thank you so much. This one was a long time in the writing. I get so upset looking at the next few years ahead it takes time to wrangle it into functional swearing.
It was worth the wait...
I believe "Hitler was a vegetarian" is a way of zinging vegetarians, not a defense of Hitler. It's evidence that vegetarianism isn't a reliable way of making people generally moral
I've never seen the sorts of defense of fascism (except for making the trains run on time) of fascism you describe, though I wouldn't be surprised if they exist somewhere.
I think part of what's going on is that liberals don't trust uninhibited hatred. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it might be possible to overdo it.
Roe v. Wade was overturned because there was a conservative plan, a long term thoughtful targeted plan, to infiltrate the judicial system. To say there was no intelligence involved underestimates what was going on, and here we are.
I don't think it zings vegetarians; I think vegetarianism is something most people think of as a moral position even if they'd never do it themselves, and it's trotted out to humanize him, like the dog.
And even Roe wasn't exactly a plan, at least not a complicated, subtle, or one that could have been effective without the grotesque and ongoing apathy of the center and the left who seem so utterly unwilling to vote it borders on a phobia. The plan was just say no writ large. They boiled the entire issue of abortion down to "repeal Roe v. Wade" which made it a judicial issue in the conservative memescape. You do judicial stuff not by making a good argument or interpreting the law more precisely, but by buying judges who will turn their brains off for enough money. Put judges in who will agree with the GOP no matter what the substance of the case is is not clever, it's a bludgeon, and most of those judges are severely underqualified idiots, because that's what it takes to be willing to ignore the law and rule on id. But it would never have worked without the rest of us being so nauseatingly complacent for so long.
I was so careful to say just because they're dumb doesn't mean you can underestimate them--intelligence gets in the way of action more often than not. Dumb barrels ahead. Dumb gets it done. Complicated plans are hard to execute, harder to get many people of different mindsets on board with. It's much easier to just do whatever authority tells you to without question: vote every time has been the great tool, and yet somehow the majority of the country can't imagine using it.
There's a reason fascists and authoritarian communists alike go *directly* for the "intelligensia" when they win their revolutions and kill them first. Thought is the enemy of force. Stupid does not mean safe, it means dangerous.
And abortion wasn't even the real bee in the bonnet of those who organized that effort—it was just a handy camouflage for the real goal: restoring the right of evangelical colleges and other institutions to discriminate. See here:
Less the evangelical colleges' right to discriminate per se than the right of segregation-academy schools to operate tax-free in the South. That was the galvanising issue that gave Schaeffer and the odious Lee Atwater and the even more odious Paul Weyrich the ability to corral racist white rage behind hot-button social issues.
Weyrich's 1980 speech in which he explicitly notes that he doesn't want everyone to vote bc GQP policies aren't capable of winning over the electorate should be required viewing / reading for every student.
Being a gamer nerd, I've been waffling on writing a 'The real alignment chart' for a while, and this encapsulates why so well. Good-Neutral-Evil is so banal. It really ought to be Altruistic-Tribal-Selfish; Tribal essentially being 'I care about my family / friends / people I trust, meh to the others', since that's the least clear one.
You can leave Lawful-Chaotic more or less untouched though.
...It's still depressing as hell that it basically breaks down to 1/3 of the population in each category, though. The only 'good' in this current storm of bullshit is the more awful the fascists make it, the more the tribal sorts decide 'Hmm maybe higher taxes aren't so bad compared to civilizational collapse'
It's only an estimated 30% support after every living generation being exposed to lifelong propaganda. And probably the lead exposure has something to do about it too. Hitler only ever got ~40% support if I remember correctly, and he flat murdered anyone who didn't support him. It takes work to get this bad.
I chatted with quite a few of these folks online, back in the 2010's when I was curious about what made them tick. I concluded that "the 30%" who can be counted on to support tyranny/fascism/whatever you want to call it are made up of, essentially, a tiered group of psychopaths. They lack a conscience, and they don't believe such a thing exists. That's why they need to control others and are willing to use the most horrifying methods: because they simply cannot even imagine a human being who is capable of ignoring their worst instincts without the threat of some very powerful external force smiting them.
You recognize the mild psychopathy of this viewpoint at once, when they say: "If people don't believe in a God that will damn them to Hell for all eternity, what will stop them from slaughtering everyone?" And they are dead serious when they ask this because they're pretty sure that's all that stops them. I call it "mild psychopathy" because at least the ones who believe this really don't like the idea of a society based exclusively on Might=Right, and they like order and predictability.
On the other end of the scale are the hardcore psychopaths. The pure nihilists. They are so disconnected from human (and animal) emotion that they often lack even a functioning need for self-preservation, like the murderer who gets caught fleeing the scene and confesses at once: "I wanted to know what it was like to kill someone.... My only regret is that I thought it'd take longer before I was caught." (Not an exact quote, alas, from some dude whose very brief police interrogation I watched a few years ago.)
In the middle are the ones described so well in this astonishingly beautiful and appropriately terrifying article.
The thing is that the difference between the psychopath and the non-psychopath is probably neurological. And it's almost impossible to persuade someone to your view when their belief is on the cellular level. (Precisely the reason they can't persuade us to their view.)
Also the tragic paradox: they're not entirely wrong; we do need some of the systems of control they devise because we need to protect ourselves from the worst of them. Where they're wrong is in understanding where and with whom the problem lies. Unfortunately, that's a human failing, one which we all, myself included, suffer from.
This is so on target.
Fascists trying to normalize unconscionable acts has been the background radius of most of our lives. I'm...well, getting old....and I remember Nixon doing this, and Reagan, and Bush, and Bush, and Trump. And I know it's been a part of the world order since Bretton Woods essentially laid down the economic rules which established that economic power was the only form of authority that mattered.
Call out the people who buy into fascist ideology, whether directly or not. Let there be uncomfortable silences, ask them 'what's funny about that' when they make 'them' jokes. Try to shame them, futile as it may be. A shred ot decency will take root and grow, eventually.
My God, this is so good.
Cat, 210 is too rich for me right now so I thought I'd head over and see if I can give you some money on Patreon, but the link on your About page is broken. (
Obviously I can figure it out, and am headed there now, but wanted to let you know!
Oh thank you! Fixed!
$210 is just Substack's Founding Member thing, it's $5 a month or $55 a year.
It literally didn't occur to me that I could change it, lmaoooooo what a dingus.
I am literally the dumbest person who ever lived — the reason I couldn't figure out how to sign up for a normal subscription is ... I subscribed for a year in January. 😂
It's 12:48am here. For some ADHD dopamine hit reason, I decided to start reading this just before I was supposed to go to bed, and I couldn't stop, and now I'm not sure how I'm going to GET to sleep.
I'm sorry!
"Evil doesn’t win because good is dumb. Evil wins because evil is easy. " Very true, and there's often a "Prisoner's Dilemma" cooperation vs. defection motivation involved too - a lot of people defect (or choose evil) because the rewards are greater than when choosing good. Unfortunately, they forget the other side of the "Prisoner's Dilemma" - the more people who cooperate (choose good), the better off everyone is, and the rewards are scantier if few cooperators are in the mix.
Under circumstances where people are certain to materially profit from selfishness more than altruism, the only way for society to protect itself from defectors is to make it harder to defect, either by securing resources from defectors or by making rules against it and actively enforcing them. But it seems like America has backed far away from the latter option, and even rolled back such inadequate rules as we had. Worse, over the last half-century or so our society has ennobled selfishness and materialism rather than vilifying them, with the result that even conscience can't be relied upon to motivate people to punish our most successful defectors, or even recognize them as the threats to society they are - people just don't see anything wrong with even the most out-of-control acquisitiveness. (Granted that a fair number of people are waking up - or "becoming woke" - about this sort of thing, so to speak.)
Sorry, I've ventured into different territory that really requires an essay of its own - maybe I should write it after the sun comes up. I really liked your essay, though. Thanks.
Sweet Jesus can you write.
I literally have to read these things in pieces because I can't take so much 200-proof righteousness in one go.
He wasn't even a vegetarian. He ate vast quantities of meat and would take joy in revolting his dinner guests by describing slaughterhouse conditions. Just another lie told to try to humanise a mass murderer.
This is brilliant. I've seen other people address this. I've done it myself, but you have beaten everyone for thoroughness and eloquence.
"I get to control you, and you can’t stop me." Don't forget the part where they scream about freedom while controlling everyone else. Freedom is code for control with them.
This is some brilliant word craft.
No holds barred, forthright…. And I looooove it!
This editorial strings together and connects concepts (with journalistic support) that I think many of had noticed but not combined into a compelling narrative of why. Thank you for writing this.
Well, I read this compulsively. I hope the world does too.
"...and if what I say contradicts what I said yesterday that’s your problem."
Reminds of what...Timothy Snyder, I think, said about how the unpredictability itself is key to how authoritarianism works.
It's just really, really dispiriting to know in effect that someone can do anything to you at any time for any reason or no reason at all.
There seem to be a couple on the Supreme Court, and a few more over there behind the curtain.
(Ok, I quibble.)