"POINTLESS ART IS ACTUALLY PRETTY IMPORTANT IN THIS FALLEN WORLD" is going up on my wall in some craft form, I don't know which yet.

Wishing you a lighter heart and the kind of joy that makes you fizzy.

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A couple of things I often find myself paraphrasing, if not quoting you on:

Heavily regulated capitalism is the best system we've found for human happiness. It's not likely to get any better until we achieve post-scarcity.

Evil doesn't triumph because good is dumb. Evil triumphs because good is gracious, merciful, soft-hearted, and hence doesn't have the heart to stomp evil's guts out before it can do any real harm.

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"Everything is hard. Choose your hard. Obesity is hard, being fit is hard. Choose your hard. Marriage is hard, Divorce is hard. Choose your hard. Being in debt is hard, being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard. Communication is hard, not communicating is hard. Choose your hard. Life will never be easy, it will always be hard. But we can choose our hard. Pick Wisely." I lived in Washington State for a short period only because I had a girlfriend there who had a similar name and also loved Isaac Asimov, Star Trek and Garfield. Strange how mysterious life is.

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I really love the fortunes in your Bear Meat machine. Thank you for sharing them with those of us who may never wind up on your porch!

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Amazing share. Blessings on this transition in your life. May you be well supported in all ways.

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These are so great, thank you so much, I feel the works is full of possibilities again.

I am very sorry for your hard news and send love and hope to all of you. P.

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THANK YOU! Also, stranger hug and thoughts and love in this hard time! Also, now I see you signing books at conventions in a booth, with a pointy hat, « CAT VALENTE’S TRAVELLING BEAR MEAT CLAW FUTURE DISPENSER » on the table. You don’t talk, we sit in front of you, catch a fortune, paste it in the book, you nod and we walk away.

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Philippe is my far and away favourite. The irony is delicious! Thanks for that (and all of your wonderful books).

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Should I subscribe? Dunno yet, so I bought a book while I think about it (Deathless)

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Well I’m biased but I think you should…

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Such a friggin cool idea!

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Art is never, NEVER pointless, even if the only point is to help its creator deal with difficult stuff. Art is one of the things that makes it worth dragging yourself out of bed every morning to face a world full of pain and evil yet one more time. Thank you for sharing your art with us, and I hope you and yours get through this time with a minimal amount of pain.

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Love this so much 🥰🥰 Thank you for the beauty and weirdness/joy you share. It’s life affirming.

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I love weird micro story things. This is freaking awesome. Hopefully it was therapeutic. Keep making good, weird, pointless (but not really pointless) art. And thanks for sharing it.

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This is the farthest thing from pointless art, Cat. You're expressing your own joys and observations about the world, and bringing those to others in the most singular, lovely way. Not at all pointless.

Be well, Cat. You deserve love, too.

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Your concept is wonderful and immensely inspiring. Thank you for choosing to share this. I certainly appreciate it!

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