aaaw. love your writing here on substack. From Aotearoa New Zealand, this 63 year old, descendent of Maori and Pakeha, thinks your take on our world is the Good Shit. I wish i had money to contribute. And so appreciate that i can take your words here as a koha given with love and care for the world. It is people like yourself i see as the leaders we need to steer us into an uncertain future. With your shining words of challenge and care. You do you, wherever and whenever you need to do it. We will keep appreciating your appearances here.

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Yes! The multiple-projects-multiple-platforms struggle is real! Appreciate your work, & your candor on behalf of everybody doing this juggle right now.

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I would rather read one of your essays every quarter than I would a daily or weekly Substack hot tech take.

When I see you’ve published something, it’s with great enthusiasm that I curl up with your warm cup of Valente brew, settle in, and enjoy another marvelous distillation of what’s happening and how we got here.

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Hey, we met once at Worldcon 2019. You won’t remember me, but I remember your kindness and grace, and I’ve always loved your words. Here’s the thing, I subscribe to a whole pile of newsletters. They come in and I mostly scroll on by, for shame. But after reading one or two of yours, you have my full attention. I read them all, and I think you’re the only person that applies to. So when I read this post, it really resonated. I’m moving from short to long fiction and... words take time! I have no idea how you write these epic posts and still keep up with actual writing, let alone life. So I am now a paid up subscriber. I’m aware in this modern world that will basically buy you a mediocre coffee once a month, but I’m delighted to do that and hope there’s enough left for a shot of syrup and some good will. Thank you for your unceasing passion, it’s appreciated more than you know. Xx Ida

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I hope you never find it cringe-y to remind people that they should pay you for the work you do. I just flipped to a paid sub from a free because of your recent essay and my financial situation being good. Yes, I know you're primarily a novelist and writing long essays here is not generating the revenue or career value that your other endeavors do. Fair, valid, and accepted.

There's still a basic principle that we don't just pay creators out of the goodness of our hearts (though, yes, that's part of it). We pay creators because we like what they make, because what they make improves our worlds, and it's part of truly free and fair exchange. Artists need to eat, and I want you to keep making all the kinds of art you do. So, please do ask away. Those of us with means can support you multiple ways.

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I for one am entirely satisfied with your content here. I’d rather have a full, interesting and well-researched article every couple of weeks than just empty blah every day. I also follow you on Masto for your more spontaneous gripes!

That being said, you may consider mentioning your novels in your presentation blurb here. That way you’d be sure new people are aware of it!

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However much you choose to post, or not to post, Cat, is totally up to you. we're all us so grateful for everything you do, and no matter when you put it out, it's all treasure.

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As someone making all his money from Patreon, and getting the occasional unsubscription when working on a big thing, I feel this very deeply. Just to say that as a paid subscriber, I am more than happy with what I'm getting for the money. One of the problems with this sort of system is that we only get feedback from the unhappy people, not from those who are just fine with how things are.

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Wow, I had no idea you wrote sci-fi novels! I just went and bought a couple of them!

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No complaints here. Would I like to be inspired by your thoughts (and entertained by your way of putting them) more often? Well, sure & whaddaya got?

But do I feel cheated because there isn't that Good Stuff more frequently? Do I feel I'm *owed* more?


I don't see myself as paying for your labor, or buying your writing as a product, ferfookssake. I see my presence here as me (Waves. Hi.) supporting your (completely fabulous & wholly Right-On) voice.

Lemme say that again

I see my presence here as me supporting your voice.

Sure, if you only posted once a year, I'd wonder whether to continue, in a Not-Made-Of-Money-Myself sort of way. But as it is? We're good.

So, yes, please keep doing The Thing, at as much length and as often as practicable. But don't let anybody tell you that you owe them more. You ain't a commodity.

Sez I, is who!

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I'm happy to read whatever you write whenever you have time to write it.

At least, until I invent the time dilation machine that gives you 10 hours a week that no-one else has. Then I might get more demanding. Although, in that case, I'd probably be demanding more fiction rather than more Substack.

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So, yes, I’m a paid subscriber here and a patron on Patreon as well. I’m not here so much for your writing (I *really* want you to spend your energy on fiction because I love your fiction and always want more) as to make sure you have a steady source of income (it’s not a lot, but I can afford it). I’ve spent a lot of time around filmmakers, artists, writers, and musicians, I understand the economics of throwing yourself out in the world and trying to make a living at it.

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I am a huge huge fan of your fiction work. My mother gifted me The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making when I was a kid and then I lost the book and the story rattled in my skull for years. I recently went home after my family moved and discovered it in a box, after having read Space Opera and had a delightful moment to connect that you were responsible for childhood and adulthood reading-related joy. All this to say that your Substack is absolutely fun & I love being subscribed to it, but am a fan of your writing no matter what form it takes 🥰

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As someone with multiple half-partially-unfinished projects and 3 other fires burning (aka ADHD):

I Get It.

I appreciate your writing when I *do* see it in my inbox and can read it, and have actually appreciated Substack (and newsletters) a bit more than I did before the Muskening. It does not surprise me that (one of) your day job is being a big P Professional writer. I appreciate your time spent here despite that. ♥

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I love your rants (I adore well-done rants; and yours are THE BEST). I often rant myself, and I enjoy especially the way you can fling out beautifully long complex sentences because who has time for all that short stuff and Official Punctuation when one is on a rant'n'roll! I'm not a paid subscriber (I do buy your books!), retired, and the last few years have shifted my donation budget to abortion rights providers and fighters and some anti-voter suppression groups since my main way of supporting authors is um buying books (pre-ordering! recommending).

I have so much to read that I don't care how often anybody posts (or well even notice it -- internet time is strange); all I know is every time I get a notice from "Garbagetown" I drop everything and read it, and when I have a break and want to relax, I go back and re-read my favorites because re-reading is one of the things I most like (I am pretty sure I also recommended your ss on mine--although I was pretty new to SS and still trying to figure out how this system works). I'll try to see if I did and if I didn't do so!

I am reminded of how similar attitudes in fanfic fandom ("why aren't you posting the next installment of your fic I love for me regularly so I can get my fix" was an ongoing demand without taking into consideration that life often interferes with plans, and especially with the shitshow these days, a LOT of life is catastrophically breaking down). That sort of demand led to the mantra of "this is why we cannot have nice things," or, in my new mantra: "People. I'm not a fan of them."

And chiming in with the others who said how amazing this post was, just to confirm though it's not at all necessary, that YES! you get to make choices and set boundaries, and it makes sense that this place would be a much lower priority. And people who don't like that and leave deserve to be them.

In terms of my Substack literacy, I didn't even know there were exit surveys -- goes to poke around on my dashboard which I was just starting to get the hang of when they changed it!

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I am a paid subscriber to WTG (and no, I am the farthest thing from a saint, but thank you), but I also am a freelance graphic designer and writer. I have only my wife and two cats to be responsible to, and I fully understand the situation you are in. Do NOT feel guilty for husbanding your time and creativity (or wifing it, as the case may be), because even one essay of yours a month is worth at least ten from most of the bloviators selling bilge online. We love & support you, Heath and Bastian, to the ends of the observable universe and back. (But could you PLEASE not write so many run-on sentences? Some of us are dumb.)

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