I am a member on your Patreon. And I am happy with that. I'm expecting to have a job soon and can increase my support.

I came to say that I'm uncomfortable with a situation in which a person is demanded to create fixed content on a fixed schedule. Including you. I'm not your publisher, nor even your agent. We have no contract with deadlines. I subscribe because creative people need to get paid, and my world gets better with more creative people doing more creative things. Et voila.

So please don't take my membership as any sort of demand for you to produce... well, anything. I love Garbagetown. I read your rants to my family and friends, often. Sometimes I post shit like "Cat Valente for President" on X because I am so highly pleased and amused. I hope you'll continue doing it, and get the support you need. And if not, I'll still be a Patron and still enjoy your fiction and other writings when they appear.

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Amen. When I support someone via Patreon or Substack, that's not a work-for-hire situation. Take the money and do what you will with it. Write essays or don't. The absolute nerve of people.

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What you day is important. When it's ready to be said, say it. You don't owe me a certain amount of content.

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Having upgraded to paid upon reading the first post I saw from you, I highly recommend (regardless of frequency) as I value quality over quantity and you've demonstrated the quality I respond to, Thank you! 💙

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I started supporting you when you referred to Zuck as a ‘coelacanth eyed mother fucker’ and I maintain that it is the right course. Write when you can.

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I love Welcome to Garbagetown. I think I’m a paid subscriber. Do whatever you can. No worries from me.

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I just upgraded to "Founding" based on your latest "paid" post.

I would love more pieces, but I will take what you can find the time to craft here.

It is always a great day when I see a WtG post land!

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Thank you SO much!

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I also hit your $5 a month tier on Patreon.

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Pretty much as everybody said: a subscription is a gift of a little bit of time and space and peace of mind so you can work more easily … don’t feel like you HAVE to put stuff up here.

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As a paid member, let me just say, I don't care how often you publish. Isn't it awful how creatives can't do any damn thing without being told to optimize/monetize/10X it all the fucking time?

Write as the spirit moves you, or don't. I'm supporting ALL that you do, and I'm under no illusion that my paltry 5 bucks a month or whatever it is entitles me to demand a certain amount of output from you.

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I just checked my voter registration. It's very easy. Kamela 2024!! Upgrade too.

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I became a subscriber here after I read Stop Talking -- Start Buying, an excellent distillation of what we users want from the 'net (a welcoming community) versus what the tech bros make us put up with (an enshittified monopoly infested with trolls). I'm perfectly OK with reading whatever you write here whenever it makes sense for you to write it. Carry on.

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Wanted to echo others as I upgrade my membership here: I value all the thoughts and work that you share with us on whatever timeline works for you. Every WtG post is an unexpected and welcome treat, and I am filled with joy to receive them no matter the frequency. My life has been made better by having characters like Tetley and Osmo in it, looking forward to Space Oddity!

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THANKS for updates here!! Professor Bill

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Just signed up! Thank you for all the amazing insights and creative use of language. :)

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Remember the reason Wendy's introduced the triple burger: nobody was buying the double. There should be one tier below and one above Founder, and also ability to add an extra amount to the tier without extra perks.

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Ok—Substack sets the lowest monthly subscription at $5, nothing I can do about that. People can give any amount between the yearly and founding membership for nothing extra with no issue already. Unfortunately, Substack also does not allow anything more than those three tiers—monthly, yearly, and founding.

But as best I can, you can basically do as you suggest already. There’s a tip jar on the about the for amounts less than $5?

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So change the "please consider" text to add "Note that on the founding member payment page, you can erase the amount. The response is 'amount must be over $55 per year.' Enter what you can afford.". Or something like that.

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So it seems the only indication of variable payment options is a blue highlight on the $210 after you select founding and tap next. Also, once you change that, if you select upgrade, the prefilled amount is whatever you entered before. If you hit backspace, it says amount must be over 55.

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I didn't realize that it was possible to increase the monthly or yearly amount. If I didn't know, lots of others won't know either. Too bad no other tiers.

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Aug 4
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Oops. Didn't read carefully...

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Ok I’ll set that up!

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You got it! But not because I demand content - because it’s TIME. (What Alan said below, in short.)

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Let's do this! Thanks for the push to pay for the content I already enjoy from you.

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