THANK YOU! The world is such an infinitely frustrating and infuriating place right now, but your posts here give me hope that not everyone has given up.

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I cried, I laughed, I rt-ed it twice already, & I HOWLED so hard I might've gotten off a little at," eat our faces on Inauguration Day," It's funny cause it's TRUE! Superb writing, the perfect way to express what most of us feel but can't articulate. And yep, you're right. We either collectively get our shit together now, or we won't have the option of trying to in our lifetimes in just months from now. Eloquent as this is, none of the people who need to read it likely ever would. I suspect many of them have trouble with simple English to begin with. Well done, tho!

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I understand this is a cathartic rant, and I really enjoy a lot of it because the air of depressed submission to this narrative of Trump's Comeback is agonizing.

That said, I disagree with the characterization of the Biden business

-I've been following the story *cough* obsessively since the debate, and I don't agree that it's a media-driven narrative. "Biden's too old" has been driven by voters: poll after poll for years has shown this, people who do focus groups bring it up all the time. It became dominant after the debate because it wasn't just a "bad debate," it was the American president unable to articulate a thought, much less push back against the firehose or lies from Trump. But the problem isn't actually the debate, the potentially fatal problem is that the debate triggered a reckoning that Biden and his campaign completely failed to meet. He hasn't been live and off teleprompters for longer than an hour since it happened. His campaign hasn't explained a plan to win Pennsylvania (the essential state where Biden's running outside the margin of error).

-It's possible that you're right, and America is too racist for Harris to be a reasonsable bet (though Michelle Obama seems to get a pass when people're asked, so so maybe there's hope). Media aside, I'd argue that within the party, the debate over whether Biden's the best available option to beat Trump is actually a sign of, if anything, NOT giving up the fight. Elected Dems seem to be divided between those resigned to a Trump win, and therefore prefer to just have Biden run and avoid a sacrificial candidate who can be saved for 2028, and those who still want to fight Trump, and therefore want Biden out and a more energetic candidate in. But one way or another: there's 4 long months until the election, and Dems *do* have time to figure out their differences and unite behind a candidate.

-8 years back, the Republican party and a lot of people at the convention tried get Trump out. Now, dissent has been silenced and Trump is hailed as a fucking savior. The fact that Dems *aren't* being silent about their concerns, about the overridding importance of beating Trump, is a sign of an annoyingly healthy political party. And the only concrete result the "lose Biden" business seems to be having is that Biden's been getting out there more, which is actually a positive result.

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Bidens too old is far from the only thing that Americans say in polls, while democrats still win elections. Just check out polling on the border, or the popularity of democrats in general. But we don’t rewrite our entire game plan because one single factor doesn’t poll well. Unless the poll is “I won’t vote for Biden because he’s too old” the fact that most Americans think he’s too old is irrelevant (or at least way way way overblown)

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Whelp, Biden made his choice and the game plan is getting rewritten, one way or another

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Indeed. Let’s see if America will do what it’s never done: elect a woman. Exciting!

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Interesting times....

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they did not "Fail" to meet it at all and I don't believe for one nanosecond that any of this "hurr durr Biden's too old" fake outrage is the least bit organic, it reeks of being spurred on by Russian troll bots. Never forget that one of the most popular BLM pages on all of Facebook turned out to have been created by Russians.

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What I've gathered is that, in political communications, the way "a bad night" gets dealt with is the candidate immediately goes on a publicity burst: late night shows, interviews, etc, in order to prove that it really was a bad night and not an inflection point. Biden did 1 22-minute interview a week later. Only time that week he was in public and off teleprompter. Not managing the comms that week was a failure from his campaign because it let the narrative that Biden "doesn't have it" take root.

And while I'm sure the Russian trolls are--on this as on all divisive subjects--fueling the online chaos as much as possible, they don't create shit out of thin air. There's a pile of data suppporting the idea that voters in general are deeply concerned about Biden's age and have been for a long time.

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He’s definitely not running outside of the margin of error in PA — recent polls have him down between 2-3pts.

And, this is at the same time that those same polls have Casey up by 10-15pts. So, either one of these sets of polls is very wrong, or this election will generate split ticket voting the likes we haven’t seen in more than 40 years. I know which one of those I’d bet on.

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Hey cool, it narrowed since I last checked 538! If all 3 swing states swing the right way, and no other states swing the wrong way, this could be okay.

And yeah the split ticket thing is showing up everywhere. There are some theories (unprovable until it's too late), one being this one that it's a sign of something wrong in the polls, another being that Biden's got room to grow (though not so much post debate).

No matter what though, that gap is evidence that voters have a problem specifically with Biden. Me, I read it as evidence Anyone But Biden could do much better. Ppl want to vote against MAGA, but they don't want to vote for Biden, so give 'em somewhere to go that isn't 3rd party

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Thank you, thank you, I am losing my fucking mind over this defeatism. Two separate people, one an intelligent co-worker, tried out that fucking West Wing stuff on me:

So Joe must go, because the electorate hates an old, so much so that down ballot Dems will also go to defeat. This is the theory Clooney was bruiting about the once proud New York Times.

Given that Grump has Ascended, we should run someone else who will lose, probably by a smaller margin. But the voters will respect us for putting our own to the sword.

And then, in 2028…

Which to me is the flaw in the plan. There IS no 2028 (intelligent co worker was shocked at this).

Anyway, clearly a good question for Trump isn’t “will you accept the election in 2024” because of course he won’t. The question should be “will you leave office in 2028?” I am certain he’d answer that question honestly.

Oh, and fuck that Adam Schiff.

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Trump isn’t a fascist, you have TDS just like the shooter

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This was much appreciated, and captured how I felt and feel.

I feel like I'm back in my high school football days, and things aren't going our way. 90% of what I learned from sports was how to not get in your head and not beat yourself, as well as figuring out how to rally my teammates to not do that either. I'm just pissed at how my team is beating themselves up when now is when we need to dig in...

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So much this! Thank you!

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Thank you, exactly what needs to be said, the orange load went golfing so everything is right is his world as the grift mill turns. Tristan Snell posted that President Biden reached out to the grieving Mrs. but she declined to take his call, she said she did not hold him responsible in any way, at the time of that post tffg had NOT reached out to her. However, there was a GO Fund started with unknown recipient, so...

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Why do you think the media doesn't want Biden, the corporate Democrat, and does want Trump, the guy who literally called the media the Enemy of the People and is extremely clear about how he plans to treat the media in a second Trump presidency - exactly as all authoritarians have?

No one thinks Biden's singlehandedly responsible for the Gaza massacre. What people do think is that he just reapproved the shipping of 500 pound bombs to one of the most powerful militaries in the world, who are actively and publicly undertaking a massacre, and who also train our police. And we think that because he did that, that's a thing that just happened.

Sure, you can make the argument that anyone who doesn't buck up and vote for him anyway - more than that, who doesn't shut up about it too - is basically, by your language, a histrionic sissy I guess. I'm picturing you yelling at Democrats like this and picturing the subject of your yelling being for example the Muslim population of Michigan, a vital population in a vital swing state, and it's not sitting great.

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Trump openly says he'll give Netanyahu a blank check while Haley writes Finish the Job on bombs. HOW is voting for the party of the "Muslim ban" or giving into the right at all going to help any Palestinian or any Muslim in America? Trump is not going to build a port to get aid to Gaza, he's going to glass it.

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He is. He absolutely is, and he was also right when he said that Ukraine "wouldn't have happened" under his watch because he would have literally sold Ukraine to Russia on top of everything else.

I don't think that the thing we're worried about is people who care so much that they don't want to vote for Biden, turning around and voting for Trump instead. I don't think many if any people are going to do that. I do think there's a huge danger that a lot of people - who range from being swayed by Biden's apparent age and disjointed speech, to his total abdication of his "red line" in Rafah 2+ safe-zone bombings ago, to maybe actually believing the inescapable right-wing lies about him tanking the country but who are still disgusted with Trump - will be SO disgusted by the options they feel like they're being fed that they just stay home entirely. And I get that that's what you're yelling about, but yelling *at* people for feeling a way famously doesn't make them chill out.

When Chris Hayes had the DNC chair on air and asked him about this same thing, he just yelled at Democrats exactly like this. When he was asked what his response was to voters who had that whole range of concerns, he literally just said Trump is worse. We know, and Biden only won on a margin of like 40K votes in a couple swing states LAST time. Yeah, we're freaking out.

We also know that it's progressives who will be blamed for the bomb-selling corporate Democrat not winning if he doesn't win, rather than his own sheer pigheaded ambition when anyone with a brain knows both that 1) the administration that steps in to clean up after a disaster is always seen as an interim change admin that's different from a stability admin, and 2) even if wrongly, people who go through a massive trauma like a pandemic and major inflation mentally link that trauma with the incumbent and those incumbents ROUTINELY lose reelection.

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Routinely? Other than Trump, the last incumbent to lose election was Bush the elder, and I wouldn't exactly call the early-1990s recession a trauma.

I *guess* you could say that about Carter, but I certainly wouldn't include Ford in that either given that he never won election on his own. Before that we're reaching back to the 1920s for any evidence of this routine phenomenon.

By contrast, here are some incumbents who were re-elected despite presiding through a variety of bad situations:

Obama (great recession and aftermath)

Clinton (scandals galore)

Reagan (Iran-Contra, recession in 1981/82, and general shittery)

Nixon (Vietnam, he won 49 states in 1972)

Eisenhower (Korean War)

Truman (end of WWII and post-war recession)

FDR (depression and a world war, re-elected three times!!)

The trendline is very much pro-incumbency.

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anyone dumb enough to stay home is no better then a Drumpf supporter, you know the saying "all it takes for eviil to happen is for good men to do nothing". "bomb selling" my ass troll.

Biden ain't gonna lose mark my words.

Drumpf is worse that's literally all you need to know.

I wouldn't freak out considering how many Drumpf supporters died from COVID due to their own stupidity, so that margin isn't going to be smaller now, especially not with the appeal of Roe which has motivated a lot of women to vote against the guy who made killing it possible.

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...Yep, that is exactly how the DNC chair talked down to Democratic voters. Thanks for the pristine example.

The way you talk about people is gross and unhelpful.

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massacre my ass, i'm fucking disgusted at how readily many so-called "progressives" are sliding into low-key antisemitism and sounding like Mel fucking Gibson here, it's like the people that got murdered last October(including young children, but I guess only dead Palestinian kids are worth mourning eh?)don't fucking matter to those "Free Palestine" nazi ghouls. Fuck those people, they're no better then Drumpf supporters in my book.

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Honestly the most ghoulish thing about your nasty comments is conflating the far-right authoritarian Netanyahu regime which is essentially a Trump admunistration with the needs, interests and wishes of the Israeli people, who are increasingly absolutely horrified with what their government is doing in their name. Bombing and starving their own hostages, shooting their own hostages. Massacring Palestinians in the West Bank who have nothing to do with Hamas, the Netanyahu-backed right-wing authoritarian regime that allows him to try and legitimize himself with people like you. Driving hundreds of thousands of people into "safe zones" that he bombs with American weapons.

Your comments aren't even close to discourse, you're flooding the zone with shit. You're a bully and I have no idea what you're doing in progressive spaces at all.

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Sorry but when I see Palestinians booing Israeli hostages who were put through god knows what at the hands of terrorists my sympathy for them goes WAY down.

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Your book is hideous and I want nothing to do with it. I am not interested in hearing a thing you have to say.

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Let's take this down a notch, okay? We can all disagree and discuss things, even difficult things. I've told the other poster to cool off.

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what "book" troll? i'm not an author.

the feeling is mutual nazi, i'm not interested in anything a Hamas-apologist like you has to say.

Only one "flooding the zone" here is you you fucking liar.

You're falling for blatant Hamas propaganda, there is no "genocide" many experts agree on that, not saying IDF haven't made mistakes but this war isn't nearly as one-sided as those fake progressives make it out to be. Palestinians aren't completely 100% innocent in all of this(Munich 1972 Olympic murders anyone?).

Did I say I supported Bibi? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, guess reading comprehension isn't your strong point LOL

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Hey. Tone it down. You can make your argument without this level of acid.

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The media is part of the fucking conglomerate. All big $ pays for what the "news" will tell us. Big $ & the corrupt also smear good people & block access to ballots. Democracy? Please read:


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Exactly. Democracy was thrown on the scrap heap of ideologies a long, long time ago.

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Kind of a long rant on my part. And here’s more!

My intent was not particularly to promote a candidate, but more to point out the UN-fair play going on, both in media & with this election (past time for change in so many ways).

The Blue team has been ecstatic that $100 million was made in a few days for Kamala. I’m all for defeating the fascist melon felon…But this money is obscene, especially with what it is used to accomplish.

Rather than use that money to help the homeless or poor (the biggest homelessness in Kamala’s hometown), the Dems are using their money power to smear, denigrate, censor & BLOCK 3rd party ballot access! Cornel West, Rfk jr, Jill Stein have had to sue ballot boards just for what should be their democratic rights!

The blue team condemns DJT (rightly so), but they also have behavior that is DEPLORABLE. The campaign money is used to change the goal posts, & incur great legal expense, blocking ballot access--.Is this money well spent? Is this Democracy?

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Short answer..No, it is not!

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I truly wish I could stop caring about this election and the president and somehow tend the land.

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whoop they're replacing him after all it seems? The circus swirls along.

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It needs to be said: “What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”

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He’s on a roll

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I had just posted a note saying I was keeping track of how many people I know have said they were going to vote for Biden but will now vote for Trump -- and that so far I'm up to 0.

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I’m disabled and can’t flee the country, and I’m not going to abandon my children and grandchildren anyway. I’ve known since 2015 that the Republicans would come for me if Trump ever got the chance, and that’s what will happen if he is elected in November. I lost relatives in the Holocaust AND TRUMP WILL MAKE THAT HAPPEN AGAIN!

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Not a comment on the rest of what you had to say or the overall intent (of which there was a lot to like!) but...

"the oldest continuous conflict in human history"

I've noticed a lot of this characterization, but the whole "ancient urges" nonsense is an entirely avoidable mystification of a very modern political reality.

"despite doing more than any President ever has to reign it in?"

This part is just wild. You stab someone a bunch of times, you don't get a pat on the back for leaving a bandaid next to the body.

I know it's an inconvenient time for genocide and state-enforced famine, but it's not Team Doom to acknowledge that Biden has been repugnant on this issue. It's hardly asking for perfection to demand that he be better, and I don't think it's at all similar to getting worked up about his stutter. There are plenty of other areas where the difference between him and the other guy is clear.

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